Are You an Author Without an Audiobook?

Rely on Our Audiobook Recording and Publishing Services to Bring Your Book to Life

At Barnes and Noble Book Publishing, our skilled team excels at converting your book into immersive audio experiences or crafting entirely new content from the ground up. We bring your story to life with the same dedication and attention to detail as the original work.

Let's Work Together

Our support team is here to assist you and address all your queries!

Together, we will build a timeless literary legacy that inspires generations to come.

Discover a full range of writing and publishing solutions designed to bring your masterpiece to life.
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Crafting Unique Audiobooks That Exceed Expectations

Our experienced team has collaborated with authors worldwide to produce high-performing audiobooks that often become bestsellers. Audiobooks offer an immersive, shared reading experience that sparks conversation and engages listeners. We handle everything from ISBN registration to creating eye-catching cover art, ensuring your audiobook is ready for online, downloadable, and CD sales.

The Hottest Trend in the Publishing Industry

Compatible Audiobooks

Audiobooks are rapidly gaining popularity for their convenience and compatibility. Listeners can enjoy audiobooks anywhere through mobile apps, websites, and dedicated devices. The production of audiobooks involves skilled voice actors, state-of-the-art studios, and cutting-edge software technologies to bring your story to life.

Audiobook Production

We handle every aspect of audiobook production, from recording and audio editing to digital formatting, uploading to online retailers, distribution, promotion, and royalty collection. We’re among the few audiobook services that can seamlessly transition your eBook or print edition into a professional audiobook.

Audiobook Distribution

With online platforms dominating the audiobook market, proper distribution is key. Whether you want exclusive distribution through Audible, iTunes, and Amazon via ACX or prefer non-exclusive distribution, we can customize a plan to fit your needs and ensure your audiobook reaches the widest audience.

Have Questions About Our Audiobook Services?

Our expert team is here to help you bring your book to life in audio form! Whether you’re just starting your audiobook journey or need assistance with specific details, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Reach out with any questions or concerns about our audiobook services. We’ll ensure your audiobook is professionally produced, distributed, and reaches the right audience, all while engaging listeners and boosting your presence in the audiobook market.

Discover the Perfect Narrator for Your Book

Transform your book into a digital audiobook by converting it into an eBook format and uploading it to one of the leading audiobook services. Browse through samples from various narrators to find the perfect voice that aligns with your book’s tone and style. Once you’ve selected your narrator, they’ll record the audiobook, producing an audio file ready for distribution across platforms like Audible, iTunes, and Amazon.

HOW DOES Barnes Noble Book Publishing WORK?

Terms of Submission and Publication for the First Draft

Work closely with our professional team to define your publishing goals, finalize project details, and specify printing requirements. We ensure clarity on any publication guidelines or restrictions. Before moving forward, you will receive a contract outlining the terms for a smooth and transparent process.



Content Evaluation, Guidance, Editing, and Proofreading

Our skilled content specialists, copy editors, and developmental editors conduct a thorough review of your manuscript, providing detailed evaluations and expert guidance. We refine your work through necessary edits to ensure top-quality content. Once revisions are completed, the updated manuscript will be sent to you for final approval.

Typography, Graphics, and Illustrations

Once you approve the revisions, we proceed with finalizing typography, integrating visuals such as photographs and illustrations, and refining text styling. Our experts enhance the book’s visual appeal, ensuring a professional and engaging design that meets the highest industry standards.



Interior Design and Book Publishing

We create the initial version of your book, incorporating design elements such as borders, headers, and a structured table of contents. After your review and approval, we finalize the remaining volumes, ensuring they align with your vision and preferences for a polished and professional publication.

Distribution, Marketing, and Publishing

After you approve the final design, we launch targeted marketing campaigns to generate excitement around your book. Your manuscript will be distributed in the preferred formats, ensuring it reaches a global audience and maximizes its impact.


Weekly Best Seller.

No matter the genre, our exceptionally skilled authors craft engaging and thought-provoking content that captivates readers. At Barnes Noble Book Publishing, we take pride in working with experienced professionals who consistently deliver outstanding literary works.


What They Say

At Barnes Noble Book Publishing, our exceptionally skilled authors excel at crafting compelling and thought-provoking stories. We take pride in working with experienced professionals who consistently deliver high-quality literary works.

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